Essendon has apologised for upsetting players with an email on Friday night telling them the club was planning to withhold nine per cent of their wages this month in response to the AFL's cuts to the salary cap for next year.
The players were emailed at 8pm on Friday night about the club's plan to withhold money, which is potentially in breach of AFL rules and player contracts. The move left the playing group angry leading to most contacting their management and the AFL Players Association
The email, from chief executive Xavier Campbell stated the club would hold the money before meeting with players to discuss the plan for how to apply the AFL cuts to the salary cap.
However their position had changed by Sunday morning with the club agreeing with the players' union that they would not proceed and would meet with senior players today.
"We didn't get the communication right and we own that. Our intention was to create a 'holding position' for the next fortnight to allow us the time to meet properly with the playing group," Campbell told The Age.
"I'm disappointed that we didn't consult properly with the players prior, and that is our fault. But we will do this over the next few days."
The club admitted it should have approached the players first before making such a move even though the AFL agreement states players will incur varying degrees of cuts next year.
"For a club that has just gone through a review and found problems in their footy department and distrust from their players this was unnecessarily provocative. Put it this way, it hasn't improved relations with their players," one senior industry source told The Age.
At West Coast, officials and players discussed ways together to discuss how they could work out an answer to getting under the reduced cap.
They reached an agreement with their players to take a higher than the AFL mandated minimum 3.5 per cent.
Players who will be in the final year of contracts in 2021 who were signed well before the COVID-19 impact became apparent take on smaller cuts than those who have signed into 2022 and beyond. Such players can have their wages cut by 8.5 per cent next year with a minimum five per cent that can be recouped in later years when the AFL salary cap returns to its normal size.
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