Everybody is on steroids

1h documentary about the history of steroids us in the US



How drug test are and how it is easy to cheat

Can we all face it now?

And that is not only the US but every major sports institutions. The FIFA used to place their anti-drugs test center miles away from the training camps of their athletes during world football cup, so they can’t go to the center.

Most of the drugs can’t be tested unless they are tested in a 1 week/24h time periods(somes can’t be detected at all).

You can easily reduce your hormonal flow just by being tired or using other drugs(or do other strategies that are childish easy).

The institutions only temporaly prohibit athletes, wich is stupid considering the fact that you can keep leftovers of drugs advantages if you train properly.

I know it's sound obvious to some of you but I have seen a lot of people in this board talk about it like this wasn't a reality.

submitted by /u/TieDifficult8844
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