Cyclist axed from team job over nude photos

A former pro cyclist claims she was denied a team director job due to nude photo shoots.

Belgian Tara Gins, who rode professionally from 2016-18, posed for Playboy last year and has also featured in a topless calendar.

She said that the photo shoots had cost her a position with an unnamed men's team.

"I had a verbal agreement to join a team," Gins wrote on Instagram.

"I was really looking forward to that. It's what I like to do. I want to learn and be in the support vehicle. But now apparently someone has made a problem of a photo in a book.

"I don't mind now that the agreement was cancelled. It is better this way. I don't want to work with people who don't see my capabilities and just walk with the herd."

Gins elaborated on her lost opportunity to Cycling News. She said that the team was an under-23s outfit in Belgium.

"(The team boss) started the conversation by saying that he was breaking off the commitment that we had because someone on the team, a staff member came across pictures of me," she said.

"That person sent the pictures in a group chat to the other staff members. Apparently, it was a chat that I was not included in.

"Someone must have threatened the manager to send those pictures to one of the sponsors because that person has I don't know what kind of relationship with the sponsor.

"I'm not 100 per cent sure what photos they are talking about. In May last year, I did a photo shoot for Playboy and then two months later I did another photo shoot for a calendar for a Belgian company.

"These calendars are only sent to their company customers, so you can't find the pictures online. You can only see the pictures if you work for the company.

"That calendar came out in the first week of January, and so I am guessing that it was the pictures in the calendar."

Gins said in her initial Instagram post that she had endured a raft of difficult experiences in pro cycling.

"Those were photos that don't harm anyone. Apparently, these are now too inappropriate to work with riders. Apparently, a photo is more important than capabilities or experience. I want to thank everyone for the statements of support and leave this behind as soon as possible.," she wrote.

"In all the years that I have raced, I have already experienced so many negative things with team leaders or soigneurs. I was literally assaulted. Once a mechanic crept into the shower with me after a workout. I was once kissed by someone on the staff, and I had to push that person away from me.

"I once had very inappropriate comments from team managers about how I looked, about my weight, what they wouldn't do to me if I looked different. I had a manager come in when I was getting a massage to say how horny I looked.

"I've always argued against that, I've always pushed it off. But all of the things I've been through make this even more frustrating.

"I have now stopped racing and want to do my own things, get opportunities. And then they are taken back by those jerks, sorry so to speak, who have a double standard. Apparently, as a man, you can do a little more in the world."

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