Smith hits back at critics of autobiography

Cameron Smith has hit back at critics of his autobiography following backlash over certain topics raised in the book.

The Storm great touched on several controversial topics, from Melbourne's salary scandal to addressing rumours of having an affair, while choosing not to announce what his NRL future entails.

Speaking to Triple M, Smith said he expected to receive some backlash from the book and took aim those who had the nerve to critcise the book without having read it.

"It is strange and I don't try to concern myself with it anymore," Smith said

"Unfortunately the way it is now I come to expect that something is going to come.

"I've released the book and there have been some comments made about it, but I don't think most of these guys have even read my book.

"They don't really know what is in it, which to me is baffling how they make comments.

"When you write an autobiography it is your opinion and they are trying to say that I'm wrong.

"Go and read my book then make a decision on whether you feel that you agree with me or you don't.

"I'm happy either way. I'm not trying to tell people to believe me. I'm just trying to share my story and if you agree with me that's great and if not that is fine also."

While he admitted he was expecting some blowback he said a lot of the venom people have for him stems from the success he and the club has achieved over the years.

Yet he found expressing his own opinion about certain topics liberating.

Smith also blamed the Storm's on-field success for the mud that was thrown at him at times throughout his career, particularly in incidents that he believes are categorically untrue.

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"When I started playing footy I wanted to play footy and be left alone outside of that," Smith said.

"I didn't see it as me wanting to be in the papers or creating headlines or being a part of anything controversial. I just wanted to play footy and live a quiet simple life.

"I'm a kid from Logan City in the southern suburbs of Brisbane. I was raised by a bricky and a stay at home mum.

"The same for my wife who is from Logan and we met in high school and we are very simple people.

"At stages throughout my career to find myself in the papers when a lot of the stories and headlines were just completely untrue.

"But the great thing about writing an autobiography is having the opportunity to set the record straight on a lot of those things and share my side of the story and what went down.

"When you are part of a club like the Melbourne Storm who have had sustained success over such a long period of time you tend to be an easy target for some of these stories."

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